Today i.e on 19th Sepember, Rotary Club of Agartala, Rotary Club of Agartala Nature, Rotary E-club of Agartala Smartizens & NER-II Transmission Ltd jointly organized a blood donation camp at SM Nagar Substation, Purba Noagaon, Suryamoninagar. 23 bottles of blood were collected at the camp. Keeping in mind the coming festive season, the arrangement of blood donation camp was a priority for us. Organizing more and more blood camps on regular intervals would be our priority in the coming days.
Rtn. Er.Swapan Bhowmik, Rtn. Reba Chakraborty (RCA Nature), Rtn. Kishan Chowdhury (Rotary E-club of Agartala Smartizens) & Rtn. Kisalaya Ghosh were present in the blood donation camp. - SM Nagar Substation, Purba Noagaon, Suryamoninagar,Agartala
- 19/09/2024
- 19/09/2024
- Community | Public Image
- Economic And Community Development
- Club Fund
- NA
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- 23