Our respected and beloved Past President Rtn Budhmalji donated a Life Support Ambulance, ICU Facility to Haflong Civil Hospital and handed over to the Authority in a befitting program at Haflong. Heartiest thanks to Budhmalji for his kind generosity towards humanity.
The people of a remotely situated Dima Hasao District of Assam were overwhelmed to receive a state of the art an Advanced Critical Care Ambulance. The total cost of this was approx 42 lakhs and it was handed over 𝕠𝕟 7𝕥𝕙 𝕆𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 2024 in the presence of the Power Minister of Assam Nandita Garlosa and other dignitaries of the State Health Department. In a grand ceremony organized by the Government of Assam this ICU mobile Unit was officially handed over by the President of our Club along with other members of Rℂ Greater Silchar. In her speech the Minister emphasized upon the great gesture of RC Greater Silchar in providing this Ambulance fitted with Ventilator, Infusion Pump along with Bypep Machine. She thanked the club for providing the people of the whole district an opportunity to avail better treatment for Critical patient. - Haflong civil Hospital
- 07/10/2024
- 07/10/2024
- Community
- Disease Prevention And Treatment
- Club Fund
- 4
- 8
- 4000000.00