International Day of Persons with Disability

  • On the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disability, ROTARY CLUB OF GREATER SILCHAR in association with SAKSHAM ,Cachar observed and organized a day long program for Divyangans. It gave us all a great sense of contentment to be able to organize the first of its kind INTER STATE PARA GAMES that included numerous sport activities like wheel chair race, 50 mtrs dash, table tennis, chess, Chocolate race etc. The day long sports events were well attended by enthusiastic Divyangans. The events were held at DSA, Silchar. In the evening we all witnessed an extravagant cultural program performed by the talented Divyangans. The day long program culminated with the distribution of certificates to all the participants along with prize distribution ceremony to the winners of various sporting events in presence of Hon'ble MLA ,Silchar Sri Dipayan Chakraborty and Hon'ble MLA ,Dholai Sri Nihar Kanti Das. Rotary Club of Greater Silchar was represented by its President Rtn Joyjit Biswas and other Club members.

  • DSA Silchar
  • 03/12/2024
  • 03/12/2024
  • Public Image
  • Economic And Community Development
  • Club Fund
  • 4
  • 4
  • Prizes and Certificates

  • 30