Observation of Global Hand washing Day

  • RC Bardhaman heritage celebrating Global Hand Washing Day 2024 by door to door and street campaigning and raising awareness about the importance of clean hands. the theme of Global Hand Hand Washing Day is " Why are clean hands still important?". Past District chair of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene sub-committee, PP Rtn. Chandi Charan Mondal has leaded the awareness campaigning and take the role of trainer.
    Global hand washing day is celebrated annually on 15th October, 2024. it is a global advocacy day dedicated to promoting hand washing with soap as a key factor in " Disease prevention and public health. some key facts of handwashing day include:
    1. raising awareness about the importance of handwashing
    2. encouraging people to make handwashing habit.
    3. promoting hand washing with soap as a crucial practice during critical time(e.g. after using the toilet and before eating)
    4. supporting hygiene improvement in communities worldwide.

  • Burdwan Town, Barsul Village , Purba Bardhaman
  • 15/10/2024
  • 15/10/2024
  • Community
  • Disease Prevention And Treatment
  • Club Fund
  • 8
  • 12
  • 20
  • 2000
  • 500