Pre Diwali Get Together was celebrated with much love and laughter,
We wholeheartedly pray for Rotarylet Manish to recover completely and safely.
It was really enchanting to have Anne Pompi and Rotary Darshita to share with us their time in this difficult situation. That’s what Rotary is all about. We are family.
Thanking Rtn Dhiraj and Anne Rashmi along with Rotarylet Akansha for sponsoring the dinner and treating with homemade cake and caramel custard. Special thanks to Rtn Santanu for arranging the dinner and Rtn Simi Dhanowar for the Diyas and the prizes for the musical chair.
Many many Congratulations to IPP Rtn Trilok for adding PHF + 4 pin to his collection.
The presence of Rotarians, Annes and Rotarylets added charm to the evening.
A charity event to collect donations was also held . All proceedings will go to Meinaljyoti Rehabilitation Centre - Adarsh Seuj Prakalpa
- 30/10/2024
- 30/10/2024
- Community | Public Image
- Peace And Conflict Prevention/Resolution | Supporting the Environment
- Club Fund
- 24
- 72
12000 ₹
- 18000 ₹
- 124