The members of Rotary Club of Agartala received and greeted the RI Director 2025-27, AKS M.Muruganandam (MMM) on 10TH December,2024 at Agartala Maharaja Birbikram Bahadur airport. The members present there also greeted the District Governor, Rtn. Sukhminder Singh (2024-25). Later the guests along with all the rotarians present there were invited by the Rotary Club of Agartala for coffee in the airport coffee Centre. During the coffee time short discussion was held with the District Governor regarding the various club activities. The Hon’ble DG expressed happiness on overall performance of the club.
Rtn. Er. Tarun Kr Das, Rtn. Er. Swapan Bhaumik, Rtn. Samir Lal Saha, Rtn. Kisalaya Ghosh, the secretary, Rtn. Dr. Bidhan Goswami FROM Rotary Club of Agartala were present on the occasion. President of RCAC and AG, Zone-16 were also present. - Agartala Maharaja Birbikram Bahadur airport
- 10/12/2024
- 10/12/2024
- Public Image
- Club Fund
- NA
- 10
- 1
- 10
- Rs.10,000/-
- 04